01 the in between


To tell the story of the battle of Miles the Brave and Max the Great

You must first get to know the Queen of In Between

Before these Princes arrived on the scene

She was an explorer and the world she had seen

Climbing mountains, glaciers and peaks

She was ambitious with skills and technique

Her drive is still alive 

Even after her princes arrived

And no stranger to danger

With certainty, she knows 

This was the life she chose

Perhaps a different wife in another life 

The one here and now is of

Climbing on ice

Calculated rolling of dice

And things well known to sacrifice

She reminds herself, she is not her work 

She is not a machine

But some days are lonely for even a Queen

When the King is out traveling 

No device can suffice

And no kisses replace all that she misses

There is a never ending game that the princes keep playing 

That includes dragon slaying 

And a variety of tactics for bedtime delaying


The Queen’s sons believe it is a game to be won

Arch rivals in a game of survival

Which everyone will eventually lose 

Because in the end sleep is hard to refuse

For Miles the Brave and Max the Great

Sleep is not welcome and surely must wait

While in this state 

Where no one cooperates

Remaining enemies is preferred to becoming mates

For Miles the Brave and all the gifts that he gave

He will not give in 

It’s the Queen he must save


For Max the Great

With his drive to create

He will not give in

Not ever before 8:00

Seeking to build and not destroy

Max the Great is filled with joy

But that joy will be killed 

By Miles the strong willed

And because the strong 

Hate so much to be wrong

They all fight to stay awake

When pride is at stake

No one can settle the score 

Of this hopeless sleep war

In which the queen does not wish to partake

Her feelings about this, she just cannot fake


Max tells of the 15 dragons he’s slain

In hopes of great glory to gain

And he looks like a charmer

In his suit and shining armor

Anticipating to blow away his mother as he begins to explain

The whole ordeal, all the courage, and the pain


Not just dragons but monsters and a very large beast

There were 35 of them he insists, at least!

All with sharp teeth and fiery breath

That he single handedly defeated to death

All for peace in the East 

And an exotic celebration feast

But Miles the Brave made sure 

His valiant efforts were not to ignore

The castles he built were not made of sand

And the planes he landed with only one hand

A palace for the queen she would surely adore

And his skill in flying her to new places to explore


Max played again to steal Miles’s thunder

The queen trying to show both Princes her joy and wonder

This time Max brings her a ruby ring

Sparkling jewels are such beautiful things

But the queen has no interest in such a treasure

Shiny things never bring her much pleasure

She instead asks Max for a song he could sing

Something to remind her of her absent King


The competition continues between the 2 brothers

Each one trying to outdo the other

All for the sake of staying awake and impressing their mother

The second born child 

Took the Queen’s hand and smiled

My biceps are stronger

And I can hold my breath longer

All these muscles I’m gaining

As a result of all my hard training


But with first born standing at the door

Pointing to all the toys on the floor

And then with a roar

He says “Clean up your room

Or this means war!”

Miles while still in the groove

Carefully plans his next move

Speaking to fish is one of his secret powers

Although he insists he has plenty of gifts to give and shower

Taking the Queen for a deep dive with him for some magical hours

Would surely be sweet and not sour


Then Max chimes in just to say

“Why would you dive if you could fly a stingray?”

“But No Max”, Miles responds, “not today.”

His rocket departs for the moon a few minutes past noon

Which is not too soon

Who would want to delay?