04 our own devices


Back in the Valley with chambers echoing 

We have bubble trouble, way more than we expected

Consequences and fallout from the elected

It seems some have lost touch with reality in this valley

Even with quality connected technology in Cali

The bros who like to move fast and break things 

Underestimated the consequences on society it brings 

Miles the Brave and Max the Great have started to correct the future of tech

Prevent fabrics from being ruined and wrecked 

These 2 will make us think twices 

About what we are doing with our devices

Raise awareness of the attention markets hidden prices 

But most critical, avert another national crisis

Address the distress and the nature of competition

These systems driven by greed and ambition 

It’s a good time to do some revision


The solution in mind is building a world nation 

Based on trust and collaboration 

Join Max and Miles in global innovation

Work to be able to create and restore

Fix the broken and build what we need more

If you are curious and like to explore . . .

Be part of these clever endeavors

To fix the good that was severed

We really need you now more than ever
Let me introduce you to Max and Miles’ friend 

His name is Fenn and he’s here to defend

He’s wise in disguise 

Many experiments he tries

And though he is a spy

We know he’s a good guy

His important invention of great intention

Is Word Sockets with Extentions

These are special sockets 

That catch hate for profit

And prevent it from entering pockets 

In most cases these sockets do block it


It works well to silence 

Sharp words of violence

By running them through filters

And recycling them to kindness

If they pass through the filters

And they start to settle

They will be vacuumed up and turned to precious metal 


To stop hate from being engaging

And fueling the fire that it has been raging

Replacing the like buttons with erase and rewind 

Make it possible to undo and cancel words unkind 

Several companies have finally be fined 

And lost significant revenue from this change in design 

More standard practices, rules and guidelining

Are in phases of signing In the cases where human values are degraded and incentives misaligning

Another great friend of Max, Miles and Fenn

Is Jennifer Zatt, but we just call her Jenn

Her speciality is in growing exotic apples and peaches 

With special nourishing soul nutrients to all it reaches

From the midwest and out to the beaches


Her unique type of cultivation

Is a mayor breakthrough for civilization

The skins of the apples and peaches are not meant for peeling

They do such wonders for emotional healing 

Even hours after eating you can still savor most pleasurable feelings

Her fields are well protected with shields

To ensure steady growth she reveals


Another good friend known as Odin

Is making great progress to prevent words from exploding

 But also is focused on the access to guns loading

This an area that needs more devoting

You see it’s not just the words that are weapons for speaking and reading

Guns and bullet wounds actually cause serious bleeding

There’s nothing to solve with hoping and praying 

It’s access to weapons that do all the slaying 

This is not about recreation or sport It’s the semi automatics, weapons of that sort

How many more hearts should we break?

These are our children

Much more we can’t take

Keep all of our daughters and our sons

Safe from both words and guns
Odin, Max, and Miles today

Have a supply of tokens to give away

These precious affection tokens

Caress words being spoken

Toss a pair in the air

Then wait a few seconds for laughter and joking

These tokens of affection

Will give us future protection


There are things that we know

From events not long ago

We know we’ve lost souls 

And there are souls that are still lost

There are coasts with the most

And in between them, shadows and ghosts

Fortunes of disproportion and illusions of distributionHas given rise to inequality and exclusion

A belt of rust and lack of trust

Unity and opportunity that have turned to dust
There is good news combining art and science

To handle this well, we have the appliance

Dust particles and fallout can be warmed and transformed

With alchemy and forgiving 

We can sprinkle love for the living

To ensure that all that we take has been meant for giving


While we look to the future we must learn from the past

To serve humanity and preserve the earth so it lasts

The time is now and not later

For all of you artists, engineers, and creators

I assure you there is no pleasure greater

To work on missions global and noble

Doing what was really meant to be done with devices that are mobile

Preserve nature and beauty both earthly and human

There is no time to waste

We better get moving