02 weapons and noise


Max the Great and Miles the Brave 

Come together again 

Because Earth must be saved

No reason to despair

This pair with long hair

Has accepted several missions 

With great ambitions

To solve problems and challenges so apparent and explicit 

The is story of experiments in progress

You won’t want to miss it

To honor truth and stop the spread of fake news

They are out killing falses and keeping trues

Distinguishing between signal and noise

They are onto something, these 2 boys

From noise and racket, they may have the code to crack it

Why does it matter?

Despite all the chatter

The Earth is not flatter

And truth does still matter

Max has tested the Trutonium tea

His eyes double in size

and see that lies are unwise

When he speaks something untrue that makes him a liar

He breath turns red hot and he begins to spit fire

This liquid solution and the truth it will favor

Could very well be the savior of bad behavior 


And then there is another device called the Truth Blender

That will test the messages of the message sender

If the message received is pure truth and not blended

The device will output truth defended


The next device is still in testing

These 2 guys are never resting

It’s a Global Alarm clock reminder

You won’t need Siri or Alexa to find her

The first at sunrise and then one more applies

Reminders in the morning to remember to be kind

Reminders in the evening to keep an open heart and open mind

To solve transportation, we’ll skip over solutions of autonomous cars

Rocketships, drones and travel to Mars

A teleportation ride must be tried

Sending a human to test is still denied

Russia to Kazakstan in under 0.01 seconds with a rabbit

Could dramatically change our commuting habit

Quantum particles that need to collideBut Miles is unsure it will be a smooth ride

And when it works, it will give us great pride
He does not fear the unknown 

With so much experience on his flight simulator he has flown

The flying stunts, practiced for months will leave your mind blown

The experiments conducted might seem a bit reckless

But I assure you they are working fast to correct this

Travel has great potential to become more thrilling and exotic

We’re advised to be patient while testing is not yet methodic


And on the topic of tech

There’s a lot to reflect

With an AI arms race to be smarter and faster

We must make sure it won’t end with disaster

Or shift power of machine from slave to master
Miles and Max disarm with their charm

And attention is personal and captured with rapture

The take responsibility and action To fight the purveyors of distraction

They established an army of algorithm patrol

Preventing tech companies from stealing our souls

The experiments they test 

Ensure intentions for humans are best

Those found to betrayers

Will not make it past the okayers

These worldly ambassadors of a million

Will ensure that free will is still free willin

And make the call if it’s man or machine that is the villain

In charge of this army so large

They ensure the solution will scale and not fail 

and most importantly that humans prevail

These two are still with you always in hopes to win you

There’s more to be solved so let us continue

For our sea turtles, coral reefs and creatures of the seas

Max has solutions for pollution and debris

The shark in his bed Has more powers he said

When released in water with elastic and plastic

He’ll vacuum up garbage and the results are fantastic 

A few of these 

Will solve things with ease

And measures like thes

eAre certainly not drastic 

I assure you I’m not being sarcastic


Next time you see a great shark that you might recognize

It could be a great device of surprise

The sea guardian, preserver, protectorFor all the things that don’t belong that affect her

With so much to do and so little timeI need to wrap up this rhyme

But before I go

I want you to know

These efforts of the 2 valiant are not wasting their talent.

I urge you to join them and open your mind

There is so much to be done for humankind.